Answers to Common Questions About Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
A central heating and air system is complex and if you haven't been trained to work on them, its likely you'll have questions about their operation in your home. Most residential systems are split systems where the individual components are segregated to the indoor units and outdoor units. How Does a Furnace Work? Obviously you know the furnace in your home is responsible for burning a source of fuel to heat your home or business. HVAC questions are more centered around how it does this exactly. Most furnaces are what we call air to air furnaces, where they heats the air it circulates around your home and indoor spaces. Furnaces typically burn natural gas, oil, or propane to accomplish this. Air Handler units are part of a heat pump system which we'll discuss later. These units use electric strip heat to heat the air it is circulating around your house to warm it. When you turn your thermostat to heat mode and set it to the desired temperature, a seque...